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Difficulties in detection technology

探测技术难点Difficulties in detection technology

monitoring technology

UAV signal

Positioning and tracking method

Detection range



Doppler effect

Tracking delay location based on Doppler utility


The false alarm rate is high, and it is difficult to distinguish birds, UAVs, ground personnel and vehicles

audio frequency

Time frequency characteristics / echo characteristics

Reflection based on active equipment / acoustic wave collection based on passive equipment


Obviously affected by the external environment


Appearance features

Motion trajectory and shape recognition based on UAV


High environmental noise has a great impact


Radio frequency control

Based on RSS / AOA / DOA / TDOA / CRPC Technology


Unable to detect silent drones

Comparison of UAV counter attack defense technology



Strike distance

Strike effect

Impact on surrounding environment

Physical capture

Force UAV to unable continue flying by physical means

Generally, helicopters or other third-party platforms need to be used to approach the UAV at a close distance in order to implement the capture

The hit rate is not high, the skill requirements of the capture hand are high, and the capture is becoming more and more difficult

No impact on the surrounding environment

Interference blocking

The UAV Communication is cut off by high-power and full band interference in the UAV communication frequency band, mainly including directional and omnidirectional

The action distance is short, generally within 1km

Impact on all UAVs and radio equipment in the defense area

Affect normal communication and do some harm to human body: if interference occurs in the full frequency band, normal communication will also be disturbed

Direct damage

Use laser, microwave and other technologies to physically "hard" destroy the UAV.

The action distance is short, generally within 1km

It needs to capture hand point-to-point strike, requires high skills of operators, and the hit rate is uncertain

After the strike, the UAV will lose its flight ability and there will be a risk of secondary falling

GPS spoofing

Send false geographical coordinates to the UAV control system, so as to control the navigation system and induce the UAV to fly to the wrong place

For anti UAV, the range is generally set within 1km

Impact on all UAVs and GPS equipment in the defense area

Affect all GPS devices around

Radio protocol




Cracking (CRPC)

Low power precise cut off the link between UAV and remote controller

Up to 5km

Unattended, small power precision attack, only attack black flying UAV. It will not affect the communication in the same frequency band and the white list UAV

Small power precision strike, forcing it to return or land; It also has no impact on the surrounding environment